09-24-2011, 09:02 AM
A year ago chose First Hawaiian as it is a corporate cousin of CA-based Bank of the West with which I banked for 30 years and was really happy with its consumer and small business focus (small line of credit for my business, etc.). Kept the personal account and can get $$ from First Hawaiian ATM w/o fees. Perfectly content with First Hawaiian and its Pahoa branch. That said, our mortgage ended up with Central Pacific Bank last spring. /Very/ impressed with their phone support; the person I got on every call was able to complete the request/transaction. Was able to find in their system a branch deposit I had made in Hilo 2 hours earlier and reverse a double payment overnight. I suggest looking into them although they don't seem to have as many branches around here as BoH or FHB.
Rick Melzig
Rick Melzig
Rick Melzig