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The History of Money - who owns all the gold!
I recently found a documentary on YouTube that gives an amazing history lesson on how the world is financed and how the world is run.

If you are interested in world history, and especially, world financial history, there is no better source of information.

I started my search by typing into a YouTube search "who owns all the gold?" What I found is astonishing.

The documentary is 2 parts, each 1.5 hours. If you watch it, watch it like The Godfather. If you have it on in the background while you are making dinner, etc. you will miss the sequence of world events and the message will be lost.

It's called "The Money Masters - Part I" and "Part II".

What I found is 1 family in Europe - the Rothschild family - owns over 1/2 the world's wealth (over $500 Trillion) and most of the physical gold. EVERY country in the world is run financially by a privately held central bank (Federal Reserve in America). Only 3 countries in the world do not have central banks, North Korea, Iran, Cuba.

Here's the kicker...every one of those central banks are owned or run by the Rothschild family. They have funded both sides of every war since the French Revolution.

BTW - every American president who has died in office had one thing in common. They were openly working to eliminate the privately held central bank and have the government issue it's own money.

I beg people to watch this video. My "eyes wide shut" are now open.

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The History of Money - who owns all the gold! - by Mindful - 12-19-2013, 01:19 PM

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