11-05-2011, 03:51 AM
Originally posted by Greg
Better yet; since the bumps are so successful on Papio at diverting speeding traffic, why not install them on Puna Coastal? Speed bumps work. They only damage cars that are "speeding". Late for work? First; relax. Second; leave for work a minute early.
You don't seem to be protesting anything but your own slight inconvenience. Why not be active against dangers in your neighborhood rather than working to dismantle attempts at safety?
Good Point Greg!
I will now become active against the dangers in my community!
A call to all guerrilla speed bump installers...Let's all meet on Hwy 130 at the Malama Marketplace intersection (the most dangerous strip of highway in the state) and we can install speed bumps from the Police station to just past the HAAS school road.
No traffic studies, no concern for how this might affect others, let's just go out there and make this highway safe! [][][][][]
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein