11-06-2011, 11:27 AM
quote:ROFL at your list, pog, some funny stuff there! []
Originally posted by pog
NOT trying to add fuel to fire here but maybe add another bit you your name now just to show a distinction ? orchidlandguy1, originalorchidlandguy, notdaoddaorchidlandguy ?
POG Pediatric Oncology Group
POG Price of Gold
POG Priorities of Government
POG Pot of Gold
POG Psychological Operations Group
POG Paths of Glory (board game)
POG Player of the Game
POG Planogram
POG Price of Government
POG Piece of Garbage
POG Port Gentil, Gabon - Port Gentil (Airport Code)
POG Poetry Group (Tucson, AZ)
POG port operations group (US DoD)
POG Piece Of Gum
POG Pineapple, Orange, Guava
POG Person Other than Grunt
POG Personnel Other than Grunt
POG Project Officers Group
POG Passionfruit, Orange, Guava
POG Parts, Oil & Grease
POG Period of Gestation (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
POG Program Operating Guide
POG Prisoners of Graffiti
POG Propulsion Operating Guide (TMINS)
POG Process Offgas
POG Property of God
POG Purchase Order Generator
POG Philharmonia of Greensboro (Greensboro, NC)
POG Person of Girth
POG Portage, Wisconsin (Amtrak station code)
More seriously, hijacking a username is all about context. The spelling WAS messed with, but that's irrelevant. The context is, faux reply by faux Orchid Landguy was in reference to a post about Orchidlandguy of Punaweb. Specifically named. Setting up a fake dialogue that people here might well think Orchidlandguy participated in.
Similarly, the impersonation of my name included references to my personal address, my specific family members, specific posts that I had made on a Big Island forum -- but then a bunch of stuff was posted that I would never say.
That's where the context part comes in that takes it to the level of impersonation.
I'm not trying to perpetuate drama, but it's not about how many thousand variants of the name exist if one googles. It's about the details that are associated with one person who posts on a specific site.
All Orchidlandguy is trying to do here is say, hey, FYI, someone is pretending to be me, and it isn't me.