11-30-2011, 01:50 PM
Fred will have to start dealing with his constituents here in HPP before the next election. We are going to be at least half of his district once redistricting is solidified, I don't think he has enough votes in his little subdivision and Pahoa downtown to outweigh all the HPP voters he has failed to serve in any way. The handwriting was on the wall when he refused to speak at all those voters' forums during the election. Fred only serves those he is already involved with: the Pahoa merchants, his subdivision, and people he already knows. The rest of us clearly do not matter to him, but we will matter come election time.
Fred deliberately undermined any chance for HPP to work out the issues concerning getting the county to fund a park for our 10,000+ citizens, including the 2400+ kids under 18, who have no real place to recreate in our community without getting onto that death trap of a highway. He actively did this by immediately advocating diversion of the money to create a park in "his" subdivision as soon as issues cropped up that needed to be resolved. A true leader and democratic representative would have used his office to help smooth out the concerns HPP's board had about wear and tear on our roads, and the possibility Hawaii county would take the land, and then either not fund the park, or use the land for some other purpose. Instead, Fred chose to advocate once again for his little subdivision getting the benefit, just like virtually every other project he has put forth.
Emily may have been a flake at times, and severely under equipped to do the job, but she would talk to anyone who lived in Puna. Fred avoids his constituents, and rudely just walks away when a citizen politely tries to introduce themselves and talk to him when he is in public in an official capacity, such as a ribbon cutting for a project put through by his predecessor. He sure likes getting his face plastered on the front page taking credit, but does everything he can to avoid interacting with the public in those same situations. He has staff members who very effectively run interference for him so he doesn't have to answer questions, or address citizen concerns when out in public. No one in his office respond to emails sent to Fred, and neither does he. If he doesn't already know you, he doesn't want to talk to you, which is no way to be an effective public servant for district as large and varied as Puna.
I still wonder if he promised Ms. Lively a good paying job if she would just jump into the race late and ensure his victory; it still seems very fishy to me how that played out. She was running against him claiming she jumped in late because no one in the race was competent to do the job, next thing we know she is working for him. Very odd.
Fred deliberately undermined any chance for HPP to work out the issues concerning getting the county to fund a park for our 10,000+ citizens, including the 2400+ kids under 18, who have no real place to recreate in our community without getting onto that death trap of a highway. He actively did this by immediately advocating diversion of the money to create a park in "his" subdivision as soon as issues cropped up that needed to be resolved. A true leader and democratic representative would have used his office to help smooth out the concerns HPP's board had about wear and tear on our roads, and the possibility Hawaii county would take the land, and then either not fund the park, or use the land for some other purpose. Instead, Fred chose to advocate once again for his little subdivision getting the benefit, just like virtually every other project he has put forth.
Emily may have been a flake at times, and severely under equipped to do the job, but she would talk to anyone who lived in Puna. Fred avoids his constituents, and rudely just walks away when a citizen politely tries to introduce themselves and talk to him when he is in public in an official capacity, such as a ribbon cutting for a project put through by his predecessor. He sure likes getting his face plastered on the front page taking credit, but does everything he can to avoid interacting with the public in those same situations. He has staff members who very effectively run interference for him so he doesn't have to answer questions, or address citizen concerns when out in public. No one in his office respond to emails sent to Fred, and neither does he. If he doesn't already know you, he doesn't want to talk to you, which is no way to be an effective public servant for district as large and varied as Puna.
I still wonder if he promised Ms. Lively a good paying job if she would just jump into the race late and ensure his victory; it still seems very fishy to me how that played out. She was running against him claiming she jumped in late because no one in the race was competent to do the job, next thing we know she is working for him. Very odd.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb