12-15-2011, 04:23 AM
Originally posted by punafish
@ no-one-in-particular: If you can't embrace the rain then this is likely not the place for you--because you certainly can't change it. We all have a "right" to complain, but the reality is that it buys you nothing. (I suppose it helps some folks blow off steam, though.) Comparing your situation to others less fortunate is a common way to remind yourself just how fortunate you are. And with all this rain we've had, I now appreciate the sunshine even more. Like Kelena, when the sun comes out, I head for the water and soak it all in while I can.
Can't think of a place I'd rather be than here. Counting my blessings...
Agreed. I moved from rain. I have lived in Washington for 35 years before moving here. I am into the rain.
However, I guess it is not ok to say I am ready for it to end after 40 days of rain. That's all. Just a statement that I thought folks could relate to, guess not.