02-22-2012, 11:54 AM
Kapohocat, I never said you were in the minority. I'm sure most rentals are legit. It's the ones that aren't that people will talk about if they have a bad experience.
DavidM, I merely used that as an example. As you had asked me to prove a non-provable, I merely asked you for the same. Sorry for the confusion.
Some people might like to remember that no matter how it feels, we are the government. Remoinds me of Pogo: We have met the enemy and he is us. I'm a believer in personal freedom, but only when tempered with personal responsibility. I have now lived long enough to feel that some "responsibilities" are unfortunately in the minority. I think most would agree that dismantling the federal government would be a bad idea as witnessed by Ron Paul's poll numbers.
DavidM, I merely used that as an example. As you had asked me to prove a non-provable, I merely asked you for the same. Sorry for the confusion.
Some people might like to remember that no matter how it feels, we are the government. Remoinds me of Pogo: We have met the enemy and he is us. I'm a believer in personal freedom, but only when tempered with personal responsibility. I have now lived long enough to feel that some "responsibilities" are unfortunately in the minority. I think most would agree that dismantling the federal government would be a bad idea as witnessed by Ron Paul's poll numbers.