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no geothermal..what are we sacrificing
Uh hello, of course there are people with serious health problems from Geothermal, people have been displaced, people have been ignored. Lets be real do you really think adding enough geothermal mines to supply 700 million megawatts would really bring down the islands electric bill? No, it won't we all know this in the back off our mind. The answer is to be frugal us all and stop being such a society of god dang consumers. Live with kerosene if you have to, geothermal is not going to power your cars. In the end with legislation that is going through OUR islands energy resources(its not renewable because your never going to get that land back period.)is going to power other islands that use a heck of a lot more power than we do for less rates. Is that really right? Is that fair? Or are we running around like our heads cut off wanting to act on any answer without fully thinking about the repercussions. Remember for every action there is a perfectly equal and opposite reaction.


Messages In This Thread
no geothermal..what are we sacrificing - by IKE - 03-17-2012, 06:05 AM
RE: no geothermal..what are we sacrificing - by hollinger54 - 03-18-2012, 05:27 AM

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