03-20-2012, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by kjlpahoa
quote:FYI, 4 unpermitted structures in Seaview have been yellow tagged recently as a result of a complaint. I doubt if Fred had the where with all to initiate this. But, is this the beginning of the end of the majority of dwellings in lower Puna? Just wait until the new Building code goes into effect (as written) and watch these owners start paying $1000 per day fines and/or go to jail.
Originally posted by robguz
I'd like to know what Fred has done to 1) improve traffic, 2) improve speed of building permit approval, 3) improve internet access in rural areas, and 4) demand that the County take action on owners of unpermitted structures that have had multiple complaints against them.
I don't have any fear whatsoever that that is going to happen. The County collected exactly $0 in fines for 2011 for all the laws that are currently enforceable with fines. As far as I know, nobody has gone to jail. Hundreds of tags have gone up in Seaview over the years, the structures remain, and nobody gets fined.