03-24-2012, 08:08 AM
What is sad, is how so many people are just ignoring the facts and going about their day, as nothing is happening, and everything is just fine! Rude awakening coming for many. Just think of it this way, look at what happens on Black Friday, people will stampede, over a T.V. on sale, just think about what will happen, when there is a shortage a food. All the red flags are obvious, if people would just pay attention, before it's too late. Do you not care about your personal liberties? Investigate the facts and stand up for what you believe in, FREEDOM.....As our world turns...
2011 Executive Order...The Rural Council....
More Military on island:
What is sad, is how so many people are just ignoring the facts and going about their day, as nothing is happening, and everything is just fine! Rude awakening coming for many. Just think of it this way, look at what happens on Black Friday, people will stampede, over a T.V. on sale, just think about what will happen, when there is a shortage a food. All the red flags are obvious, if people would just pay attention, before it's too late. Do you not care about your personal liberties? Investigate the facts and stand up for what you believe in, FREEDOM.....As our world turns...
2011 Executive Order...The Rural Council....
More Military on island: