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Executive Order March 16, 2012 Read
The writing's on the wall. Why are we still asleep? drugged? Our military on the front line know that we are killing people for bogus reasons. Why don't we listen?

American Soldiers Are WAKING UP!!

American soldier "I killed innocent people"

Iraq war: us soldier throws his medals and stars!!! and quits:


US Army Sergeant refuses to deploy to Iraq-1/2

IVAW - Soldier Testimony - A Sniper's Tale

BREAKING NEWS! US Military Refusing Orders from Barack Obama

URGENT MESSAGE From the Troops:

“To make the point undeniably clear that Ron Paul is the choice of the troops, we are organizing the largest military lobbying effort for any candidate in American history and invite you to join us for the Veterans for Ron Paul March on the RNC. But this will be more than a march. We will be an undeniable presence at and around the RNC with signs, handouts, and the friendly smiling faces of the passionate men and women who understand that the oath they swore to the Constitution did not come with an expiration date.
We are asking all military veterans and active duty troops (in full observance of military regulations regarding political speech) who can furnish proof of service, to join us at FOB Domestic Defense the week of August 27th where food, campsites, GP tents, and cots will be provided for the entire duration of the RNC. The organization of this event will be fully transparent, and we will make every effort possible to coordinate with local law enforcement agencies, as well as convention security. Our security detail will consist of volunteer police officers and retired police officers and will be led by Constable Robert Pepe. For more information about how to get involved and support this event, please go to
To our fellow veterans, your oath to the Constitution did not come with an expiration date and your country still needs you. The troops still serving and yet to serve still need you. Ron Paul has stood for the Constitution his entire career and risked his life standing up for your freedom. This may be the last chance you ever get – will you stand with Dr. Paul? The last time veterans marched for Ron Paul, two men raised a brigade in a month and a half. Now we have six months. Will you help us raise a division?
Adam Kokesh, USMC, Fallujah ’04
Nathan Cox, USA, Baghdad, ’07-’08
Zakery Carter, USA, Baghdad, ’03
To volunteer for this event, please email and/or join the conversation here:
Please help share the facebook event:
I hope you’ll share it and help make this event all that it can be.

Dear President Obama,
I am writing to you as just one veteran, just one man, but today, you may see that I am joined by many more. We gather today before you in support of Ron Paul and not because we think he would merely be a better administrator of government than you, but because we believe your policies to be fundamentally immoral. We are demanding peaceful, orderly change through the ballot box.
We are gathered here today as active duty service members and veterans exercising the right to self-expression that we all have risked our lives to protect. Something you’ve never done in uniform. The military you command has made attempts to silence us, not just in the existing codes and regulations intended to suppress the dissent in the ranks, but also in direct warnings that your officers have issued to the troops who would be with us today – who would speak out against the status quo – who would challenge the man – who would speak a desperately needed truth, to a desperately delusional power!
Do not think for one second that you can silence this voice! Do not dare whisper the command to silence this voice! Do not deny that Ron Paul is the choice of the troops! You are not wanted as, you are not respected as, and you are not fit to be, the commander-in-chief of this great force of America’s finest who would lay down their lives to defend you.
As you have warned us about petty regulations, I too have a warning for you, Mr. President. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. If elections in this country are halfway fair or transparent, and the GOP supports the troops enough to listen to them, Ron Paul will be the nominee of the Republican Party and you will be a one term President!
But if they’re not. If the voice of the people is not heard and the voice of the troops is not respected, we’ll be back. These veterans aren’t going away. And if you should decide against what I have no doubt is your better judgement, that you can allow just one of these people here today to suffer for exercising the rights that you swore to defend when you took office, if we are denied the peaceful change we demand, I promise you this: we’re going to be doing this the hard way.
Yours in liberty,
Adam Kokesh

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RE: Executive Order March 16, 2012 Read - by liskir - 03-25-2012, 05:27 AM

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