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CRIMINAL penalties for non-permitted buildings!
It is just a matter of time, it's happen in N.J. read this story.
Have you read the Executive Order signed on 3/16/2012?
Keep pretending everything is just fine..when it's not..look around..really see the world for what it has become.

Originally posted by ericlp

So I see this is an old post from 9/11? I'm guessing the bill passed and everyone living in tents are gonna be jailed, fined and prosecuted... Now what? They will buy another $20 dollar tarp and repeat the process? Whoohooo!

Yeah right. What are they gonna do? Come on to your PRIVATE property and tear down your home? Think Again...

I know on the mainland they make the property not fit for human occupancy and red tag it and the city turns off the power and water. Hard to live in a house with no running water or power/gas in the winter. So, if your on Solar and Catchments kinda hard to do that.

If they do come on your property and rip your shed down. I think any good lawyer will be chomping at the bit to get you to sue the state for pulling a stunt like that. With every one living in a tent/tarp that got ripped down on their private property suing the city for millions of dollars it's gonna be stopped in a hurry!

So now they are going to send people to jail for living in a shed/shack on property they own? Right........ Where are they going to get all the jail space? Heck! Where are they gonna get all the man power to come out and serve everyone?

Think about it... They don't have the man power to frigen look over a Permit (that people paid for) now your telling me they are going to come up with tons of cash to support this bill to have people drive out and try this??? It's never gonna happen. Too many shacks ... Where are they gonna find the money?

Oh well.... They can barely find the money to send a cop down the road when you get robbed! Sheesh wake up people. This a a scare tactic from hell that has no backing.


Messages In This Thread
RE: CRIMINAL penalties for non-permitted buildings! - by whalesong - 03-28-2012, 12:51 PM
RE: CRIMINAL penalties for non-permitted buildings! - by Guest - 02-01-2014, 12:08 PM
RE: CRIMINAL penalties for non-permitted buildings! - by Guest - 02-02-2014, 10:11 AM
RE: CRIMINAL penalties for non-permitted buildings! - by Guest - 02-02-2014, 10:16 AM

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