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Planning Department vs. SPACE (by Graham Ellis)
A couple of years back there was a lengthy thread here on Punaweb about S.P.A.C.E. its zoning/permit problems;

A quick review makes me think that a lot of the current issues are very similar with a few new elements. For me the bottom line is that this worthy organization has had to deal with Puna's long history of poor planning and zoning. The habit for such groups has been to either go underground or to try to patch something together using the special use permitting process. It was previously alleged (and perhaps even admitted to by SPACE, IIRC) that they had gone beyond the limits of an early special permit. I believe that some meetings were held and some adjustments were made, obviously without any major rezoning or county legislative help that would have brought about a comprehensive settlement. At any rate, SPACE was able to continue until now.

One would hope that the County Planning Department and/or Council would find a way to rezone the parcel and grandfather in the activities that are so useful to the community. Of course, any such action would require hearing the concerns of those who think otherwise. That's how the process works, and some of those folks can point to what they view as violations of the previous special use permitting. It's very complicated, and I've just stated my very simplistic view of it. My feelings won't be hurt if anyone has information counter to my assumptions. That's a way for me to learn.

Finally, may I respectfully suggest that Mr. Ellis post a "bullet point" version of this? A lot of readers will find his post lengthy, despite the presence of some pertinent information.

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RE: Planning Department vs. SPACE (by Graham Ellis) - by JerryCarr - 04-18-2012, 09:53 AM

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