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Planning Department vs. SPACE (by Graham Ellis)
Originally posted by JerryCarr

One would hope that the County Planning Department and/or Council would find a way to rezone the parcel and grandfather in the activities that are so useful to the community.
Are we really going to dance the same dance over and over again?

The issue is simple;
The CoH has provided the requested SUP for the activities they were told would be conducted at that location. It is not the role of the CoH to be the directors of the organization; it is for the organization to tell the CoH what their needs are.

The organization did that and after violating the rules, they were given a second chance. They violated the rules again and were given a third chance. They violated the rules again.......

The question that must now be asked and answered is:
After numerous times this organization has laid out their plans, got approval and stipulations, agreed to the terms of the agreements and stipulations, yet over and over again violated them, at what point do the people say, their word is worthless and they have by their own hand, proven they are unworthy of being trusted to abide by anything they agree too? That is the one and only issue.

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RE: Planning Department vs. SPACE (by Graham Ellis) - by Bob Orts - 04-19-2012, 09:46 AM

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