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Planning Department vs. SPACE (by Graham Ellis)
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

If the law is the law and the law must be followed then what is the proper recourse when the County of Hawaii has violated the law in more substantial ways than a private group such as SPACE has?

I ask this because both on the private sector side and the public sector side there are effects and there are (or at least should be) consequences.

Well where does your analogy stop, Rob? Since the County and SPACE have both violated the law and there are no consequences, let's all go knock off liquor stores, gun down all obnoxious neighbors and drive 100 miles per hour through downtown Pahoa.

I think Bob Orts is exactly right - and I am concerned about "special use permit creep" that seems to be occurring throughout Puna. For example, Kalani is now advertising its gift shop and snack bar (note: its been a few weeks since I've driven that section of Red Road, so I may not be quoting the sign exactly, but the gist is correct). Now I like ice cream and gifts as much as the next guy, but now that that camel's nose is under the tent, whats to stop them from creeping further and further until it's a full 7-11? SPACE and Kalani provide excellent services to the community, and I don't mean to bash them, but they are setting precedents that will be hard to argue against if someone buys property nearby and decides they want to operate a business too.

The whole point of official planning is to set parameters and stick to them, with special exceptions available after serious review. I think it's a tad hypocritical for folks to argue against the Auli'i Drive KTA by quoting community development plans but then turn around and say SPACE should have a free pass to do whatever they want even if it goes beyond their SUP.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Planning Department vs. SPACE (by Graham Ellis) - by KeaauRich - 04-19-2012, 12:19 PM

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