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Planning Department vs. SPACE (by Graham Ellis)
Originally posted by Greg

Robert Petricci put it very nicely in Tiffany's blog;

Quote: "Typical, if you wanted to build a burger king and a 7-11 that would be fine but set an example of what a community can do with out the government and you get red tagged. A school a market, a community venue and activities for the kids. Everything the government claims to want done with out costing them a penny and what do they do. Shut it down, classic example of everything that is wrong with the current county administration.

They talk about sustainability but put up walls whenever we do it. You have created a model as has uncle Robert of the kind of community centers that fit into Puna. All those that want strip malls and burger joints have 99.9 percent of the land already, hard as it to believe some of us moved here because we like it the way it is."

Want a strip mall? No problem, Money talks.
Will of the people? Not a consideration; money talks.

There are "smoke and mirrors" involved, but take a poll of the people in the area and I guarantee the majority support SPACE.

The smoke and mirrors are coming from outside.

edit: punctuation

With all due respect to Ms Edwards-Hunt, she is the Last person who should be talking about zoning issues. She lost all respect when she and her husband came out against a zoning change to provide commercial zoning simply because the commercial entity requesting the rezoning would have been a competitor of her husband's business. You have people trying to do the correct thing and go through the expense of getting commercial use property rezoned legally for commercial zoning and what happens, the ugly head of Puna’s anti-business brigade raises its ugly head. Talk about political, journalistic, and anti-competition corruption! Let’s not fool ourselves, the majority of opposition to creating proper zoning in the Puna District is from the people, not the government. Everyone wants it, yet everyone opposes it when it comes around.

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RE: Planning Department vs. SPACE (by Graham Ellis) - by Bob Orts - 04-20-2012, 09:35 AM

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