04-20-2012, 05:24 PM
dog licenses are only $6 and most people don't register their dogs anyway. Microchip is $20 unless you take more than one dog at a time then it is $10 per dog. my friend's dog killed a cat and the cat's owner took the dog to the humane society and my friend had to pay a $55 fine and one "strike" was put against the dog. (not sure what the strike means or how many they get before something more happens). Dogs should be restrained or fenced at all times. A while back a man walking in Hawaiian Beaches was attacked by two pit bulls that got out of their yard. luckily the man was able to run into a drive way and get into someones truck. no own was home and by the time the owner of the truck came home the man was almost dead. he was hospitalized and now is OK but doesn't go for walks anymore. not sure what happened to the dogs. Sad