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Planning Department vs. SPACE (by Graham Ellis)
Originally posted by Greg

As dangerous as Art can be, I assure you that even power tools can have noise issues reduced to levels far less than lawn equipment, children playing, coquis, and other hazards of neighborhood life.
Yes, I'm sure it's possible, but that really has little bearing on what is can be.

Most applications will downplay any negative impact item. A place burning dead diseased animal carcasses will attempt to claim it won’t emit any more smoke, pollution, or foul smell than someone’s household wood burning fireplace in the living room. An applicant with a 500 ton metal stamping press will attempt to make it sound like no more noise that a person hammering a nail to hang a picture. A person operating a prototyping 3D inject printer is not going to mention power tools or machinery at all as a comparison; they will mention a household inkjet printer or the fan inside a convection oven. Nobody makes it sound negative they always put the best foot forward and make it all sound like a warm summer breeze.

However, based on past history, I would be more likely to believe from this applicant that when they say power tools consistent with residential or agricultural uses, they mean the sound from a gas powered leaf blower, chain saw, band practicing in the garage, a combine, thrashing machine and 500 pisssed of hogs in a pen, not a clean industrial arts program.

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RE: Planning Department vs. SPACE (by Graham Ellis) - by Bob Orts - 04-24-2012, 07:04 AM

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