04-26-2012, 04:31 AM
the reality is that the Big Island will resist anything that may be economically profitable and allow our young UH graduates to use their education here at home.
Years ago (maybe early 90's), there was a proposal to put a flight simulator in at ITO.
For those of you who dont know what a flight simulator is - it is basically boxes housed in a big warehouse, and you sit in the box and the inside of the box has the look and the feel of the inside of a cockpit, and the box mimics the movements of a plane but never leaving the ground.
Why do I sound so dryly sarcastic? Because there were protests galore to keep this flight simulator company out of Hilo airport area.
1) Didnt want more flights into Hilo. <<< This one made no sense as it was a flight SIMULATOR. On the Ground. Does not move.
2) Was going to cause more traffic in Hilo. <<< This one made no sense as you cant put 500 people a day through the simulator. Maybe 5-10 in a 24-day.
3) Flight noise. <<<< In a warehouse in a insulated box???
No matter how much the parties that wanted the simulator supplied background, examples, etc, Hilo fought it.
So instead our young people who want to be pilots go 1) military 2) flight schools in AZ or FL. Call HIAirlines and ask them where their pilots do their supplemental training each year?
So aerospace district? I would be surprised if it actually happened. But Hilo cantnot survive on the Merrie Monarch alone.
Years ago (maybe early 90's), there was a proposal to put a flight simulator in at ITO.
For those of you who dont know what a flight simulator is - it is basically boxes housed in a big warehouse, and you sit in the box and the inside of the box has the look and the feel of the inside of a cockpit, and the box mimics the movements of a plane but never leaving the ground.
Why do I sound so dryly sarcastic? Because there were protests galore to keep this flight simulator company out of Hilo airport area.
1) Didnt want more flights into Hilo. <<< This one made no sense as it was a flight SIMULATOR. On the Ground. Does not move.
2) Was going to cause more traffic in Hilo. <<< This one made no sense as you cant put 500 people a day through the simulator. Maybe 5-10 in a 24-day.
3) Flight noise. <<<< In a warehouse in a insulated box???
No matter how much the parties that wanted the simulator supplied background, examples, etc, Hilo fought it.
So instead our young people who want to be pilots go 1) military 2) flight schools in AZ or FL. Call HIAirlines and ask them where their pilots do their supplemental training each year?
So aerospace district? I would be surprised if it actually happened. But Hilo cant