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SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments
Originally posted by DanielP

I am suggesting that the PD should never have granted the SUP to SPACE, because it is in a predominately RR (rural residential) utilized area and should be zoned as such.
With as much community support as SPACE has, they should have no trouble raising the resources needed to move to a location that is suitable for commercial use and zoning.
The PD should set aside areas for all kinds of different uses based on the suitability of the parcels (General Plan).
I suspect that SPACE did not evolve into what it is today overnite. I suspect that it grew and evolved much like the Winchester Mystery House. All of a sudden it outgrew it's britches. Time for new britches.
Apologies, didn’t mean to direct the comments at you. Your post was just the platform available.

I don’t think a zoning change or even moving to a new place where the zoning exist would make much of a difference due to SPACE’s inability to abide by rules. The issue still is that SUP or a Zoning Change, the occupant will have to abide by the limitations of the requirements of a SUP or Zoning. So long as they feel these rules don’t apply to them and they are above the People of the County, they will continue to be in constant turmoil with the County.

The SUP is actually the appropriate process for this based on what SPACE said they would be doing. But, the failure is that SPACE says one thing and goes and does something else. That’s what so many are failing to look at or deliberately concealing with their "Community" excuse. The only reason that the County is taking action is because SPACE lied and told them they were only doing some things when they were actually doing other things. SUP or Zoning, you have certain limitations.

I'm sure that had SPACE amended their application and obtained approval before expanding, they wouldn’t be under a death warrant. But they and only they choose to act before they got approval, so they and only they are to blame. All the CoH is asking is that they apply for the new things, get approval and correct the violations they promised to correct but never did.

What it comes down to is that SPACE is basically an arrogant entity without any moral compass. If they can’t understand the most basic concept that they keep lying and when caught they try blaming their screw up on everyone but themselves, well, SUP or Zoning cannot cure being a plain old asshole.

Messages In This Thread
RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - by Bob Orts - 05-06-2012, 03:39 PM
RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - by dmbwest - 05-10-2012, 03:39 PM
RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - by dmbwest - 05-12-2012, 11:24 AM

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