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SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments
My point in bringing up the skate shop was as a comparison as this is a fairly well known issue. In an area that is entirely, in practice if not by zoning, going commercial, a rezoning got tied up. The PC did not allow the skate shop 6 months to get their act together, right? If they did, then I am mistaken. As I understand the owner of the *skate house* could not even hold their club meetings there.

But in an area that is zoned ag, SPACE just moved ahead and did what they wanted (I do not fault this - just stating what has happened) and they finally received a cease and desist.

So no matter what side of the fence anyone is on (i.e Tiffany's rebuttal), i see some irony in one place that is all but zoned commercial and the entire area is being used as commercial space, versus one that is zoned ag, and all the surrounding area is ag/residential. This is what I see as inequities when a comparison is made with these two items.

My point is the Planning Dept needs some continuity in applied uses. I know I am preaching to the choir as this is what many of you want, too, like DanielP has mentioned.

Come on County of Hawaii, catch up here with what is real and needed (i.e small business like the skate shop AND organizations like Space), rather than what was set up 50 years ago.

Messages In This Thread
RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - by Kapohocat - 05-10-2012, 02:45 PM
RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - by dmbwest - 05-10-2012, 03:39 PM
RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - by dmbwest - 05-12-2012, 11:24 AM

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