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Sierra Club, Patsy Mink PAC endorse Joy
FYI, Joy SanBuenaventura, candidate for State House District 4, has been endorsed by the Hawaii Island chapter of the Sierra Club. Earlier, the Patsy Mink Political Action Committee (PAC) endorsed her candidacy as well.

For those who would like a chance to talk issues or just get to know the candidate, please come to a coffee hour-type event from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 28 at the Nanawale Longhouse (turn right at the 4-way stop on Nanawale Blvd and the longhouse will be on your immediate left). There will be plenty parking, a playground for the keiki and refreshments. Please come!

Messages In This Thread
Sierra Club, Patsy Mink PAC endorse Joy - by Frankie Stapleton - 06-11-2014, 11:41 AM
RE: Sierra Club, Patsy Mink PAC endorse Joy - by missydog1 - 06-18-2014, 04:03 PM

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