05-26-2012, 07:45 AM
I do have a fenced property. I was talking about the parts that are not fenced. I have planters that are up in my driveway that these imcompitent dog walkers let their dogs come up my driveway which is my property and let them pee on it. These people would have a fit if I walked my dog near their properties and let them do their business in it. They walk by my house with their snotty noses in the air and make comments about my dog barking at them which she is only doing her job and not harming anyone. But it is okay for them to have their dogs wreack havoc on my property and for their dogs to bark furiosly at me when I walk by their homes. I swear the people around here make me sick. I would never buy a home down here in the Shores. There is just always somekind of drama.
Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!