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Meet Mazie at Nanawale Longhouse Sunday, 6/24
Mazie Hirono is the perfect embodiment of the old Hawaii political crony system. If you like the union domination and insider old boy (and girl) tradition, vote for her. Ed Case is a much better and more balanced option for Democrats. For you newcomers, don’t be fooled into thinking that the Hawaii Democratic establishment is “progressive.” It is fully invested in maintaining a dysfunctional status quo. Usually the truly progressive thing to do is to vote for a Democratic outsider like Case, or, failing that, a less toxic Republican. Linda Lingle, also in this race, may or may not repair her tarnished image and rise to the "less toxic" level she used to enjoy. She is well funded, though.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Meet Mazie at Nanawale Longhouse Sunday, 6/24 - by JerryCarr - 06-16-2012, 11:58 AM
RE: Meet Mazie at Nanawale Longhouse Sunday, 6/24 - by Guest - 06-21-2012, 08:45 AM

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