06-19-2012, 06:56 AM
I am a union member and fight for women's rights and I have written about many issues to Mazie and I do not get any a note of any kind. I am also a member of NOW. National Org. for women. I write weekly on many issues and Bills in the House and senate. I keep thinking Mazie will answer back at least one time. She has not. I have to vote for ED Case because he does answer and respond to the questions and letters and I respect that he does listen to the people of Hawaii. He was born here on the Big Island and he helps many people and he cares about what the people need not Big Business. He is a honest man and The Democtatic Party have not treated him fairly. His voting record has been miss stated by others. We need fact checkers to make the truth shown. If you really want Hawaii to Win you need to vote for ED Case he is a man for the People of Hawaii not a Big Pack group from the mainland like Linda and Mazie!!!! WE the People can rule again with Ed Case as our leader in THE SENATE!!!!