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Meet Mazie at Nanawale Longhouse Sunday, 6/24
Excuse me but Mazie Hirono and Ed Case debated twice last week, Tuesday on Hawaii Public Radio and Wednesday on Hawaii Public TV. Apparently you didn't listen. You can still catch it online. Previous to that, they participated in two others, one sponsored by the AARP and the other a Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Assoc. debate.

Second, how many of you want to go to war in Iran? If Ed Case goes back to Congress, plan on it! Ed Case, who brags about having worked for Spark Matsunaga, voted for the Cheney/Bush war in Iraq. Hawaii's other Congressional delegates voted against it, despite knowing they were in the minority on the vote. Spark Matsunaga must have turned over in his grave at Ed's vote!!!

And don't think if the Republicans win, we won't be going to war in Iran. Why do you think there is so much superPAC money being spent on this election? They don't spend that kind of money without expecting more in return and it's war that provides that! They don't give a flying fig about peoples' lives, or their needs.

I want to be sure the person I send to the Senate does not vote for war in Iran and I can't put that trust in ED CASE!!!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Meet Mazie at Nanawale Longhouse Sunday, 6/24 - by Frankie Stapleton - 06-21-2012, 08:04 AM
RE: Meet Mazie at Nanawale Longhouse Sunday, 6/24 - by Guest - 06-21-2012, 08:45 AM

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