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James Weatherford: Bill 209 Yes? or No?
@ Kapohocat

You are right about a drop dead date for a moratorium. I mentioned that it should only last until the Pahoa Plan is finalized and in place. In a discussion I had yesterday with Larry Brown of Planning Dept., he informed me that he was drafting something which would make the moratorium end either upon finalization or 6/30/13, whichever comes first. He said that the Planning Director does not oppose this and there is, of course, precedent. As I understand it, the Pahoa Plan Steering Committee will submit this reso to Fred Blas and ask him to introduce it. If he does so, feel free to testify in support.
A clear list of allowable uses for Pahoa Village Rd. would not only protect the community from unsightly and/or inappropriate development, but would also help developers by letting them know prior to making substantial investments in time/money/energy, where and what they can develop with community support. Hopefully a win win.

Messages In This Thread
RE: James Weatherford: Bill 209 Yes? or No? - by Rene Siracusa - 06-23-2012, 06:15 AM

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