07-23-2012, 07:03 AM
two more babies with hoofs on the ground. That makes four and a fifth is trying to make its entrance now though mom isn't pushing too hard. We will see. My buddy retired nurse midwife suggests to e that if she were cousin sue at the hospital the doctor would strut in looking important, get a sterile needle and cut the "bag of waters" open anklet it drain. The risk i this is a "dry birth" which can be dangerous to mom and baby. Hopefully nature will take over and we will have another lamb within the house. Keep good thoughts.
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says
"Oh Crap, She's up!"
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says
"Oh Crap, She's up!"
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says
"Oh Crap, She's up!"
hit the floor each morning, the devil says
"Oh Crap, She's up!"