08-11-2012, 02:14 AM
We have had nene approach us when we had our dogs with us, they had no fear of either us or the dogs.
I will continue take the word of the biologists on this one; the experts all say that because nene evolved on these isolated islands during the long period of time when the only mammals were monk seals and the Hawaiian bat, they have no concept of being prey, or what predators are. "Basic bird instincts" are developed by living with predators for many, many centuries, something nene have not experienced until recently. Birds that live with predators and didn't develop those instincts died out and became extinct. In evolutionary terms humans, dogs, cats, mongoose and other predators have only been on these islands for a short time, and during that time the nene has become threatened with extinction, that is why they are a protected species under law.
I will continue take the word of the biologists on this one; the experts all say that because nene evolved on these isolated islands during the long period of time when the only mammals were monk seals and the Hawaiian bat, they have no concept of being prey, or what predators are. "Basic bird instincts" are developed by living with predators for many, many centuries, something nene have not experienced until recently. Birds that live with predators and didn't develop those instincts died out and became extinct. In evolutionary terms humans, dogs, cats, mongoose and other predators have only been on these islands for a short time, and during that time the nene has become threatened with extinction, that is why they are a protected species under law.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb