09-09-2012, 04:16 AM
Originally posted by PaulW
"Please read up on what genetically modified foods are and why you should be concerned."
I'll bite. Why should I be concerned?
ETA - is this a specifically Hawaiian topic?
Paul: Sorry for the slow reply, I've been busy. If you have Netflix (Hulu has it too I believe), this is a good show on the topic:
Unbeknownst to most people, we all eat GMO food every day and have been for quite some time. I guess time will tell whether the latest strains of GMO food will affect us in negative ways. I would like the food labeled though, so if I choose not to eat it, I can make that choice.
For me it's more about the strains of plants and seeds that are being created. The plants are being modified in such a way that only very specific herbicides and pesticides are effective. It's about how seeds blown from a GMO farm into an neighboring organic farm have brought lawsuits against the organic farmer because the seeds now growing in the field weren't licensed - ignoring the fact that in some cases the GMO seeds are much more evasive and wipe out the organic plants quickly over time. It's about how a giant multi-national corporation has a monopoly on the world food/seed supply and is doing genetic engineering under the guise of feeding the world when in fact they are in the market to sell fertilizer, herbicide and pesticide. It's about how Monsanto uses Hawaii as a test bed for it's new crops due to the isolation Hawaii provides - less chance for test seeds to be carried by the wind and land somewhere they shouldn't I suppose.