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PLDC, PEIS Testimony:9/13 (Kona), 9/14 (Hilo)
"Toxic smart meters"?

See, this is what makes Puna so unique. When I first heard the use of Punatic, it made me laugh but the person that told it to me wasn't laughing. Now I know why. The eccentricity in Puna does give it an ambiance all its own, but it sometimes seems like the fringe is in the majority, not the minority. If the OP had been on April 1, it would have been very humorous. Since it isn't, then it is a face-palm, shake head (up and down :^) moment. I am concerned though, it seems almost everything makes these people sick, except inhaling from meth ICE pipes.
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

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RE: PLDC, PEIS Testimony:9/13 (Kona), 9/14 (Hilo) - by pahoated - 09-11-2012, 02:35 AM

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