09-21-2012, 06:03 AM
For the same purposes that any community has a community development plan. Communities want to manage the appearance and functionality of their community. Growth, where is it and how does it look. Do we want open space? Do we want more businesses? More parks? One example was brought up by people opposing the new auto shop going in on a curve where traffic will put people at higher risk for accidents, and it is going in on a property that was residential. Mountain View was a thriving place at one time, and I would like to see it happen again, in an orderly, safe, manner. We need to encourage the infrastructure that will be supportive of this idea. We also want to know when we buy a property for one purpose, like a residence, that a new convenience store can't be built next door. Planning works on a lot of levels. We want community involvement, and want people's input to this embryonic plan.
Peace and long life
Peace and long life
Peace and long life