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Moving from the midwest Wisconsin to puna
I moved pretty much the same way Carey did, only I did not rent first. Shipped about 80 boxes USPS and I used UHaul's UBox for the larger, heavier items and that worked very well for me. Because I was moving to BI, UHaul required me to buy the plywood 4'WX8'DX7'H box which was inexpensive and worked out great for me. I use the Ubox for storage (similar to the use of a container). I installed vents, painted the structure and it is stored in my carport.
I sold, donated or gave away all of my furniture on the mainland and bought furniture here that was proven more compatible to this climate. I had learned that leather furniture does not do well here because of mold. Certain woods are loved by the termites over other wood material.

My shipping costs were cut by $15,000 when I decided not to use containers! The most difficult thing was giving up such nice property that was quality-made and then watch strangers take it away for a fraction of what it was worth. Once I got past the initial shock of that, the move was easy.

UHaul was very helpful for me through the Boise office but there are some bad reviews coming from Texas area, deep South and the MidWest. I credited the quality of hired help (hope I don't offend anyone!)as being a factor.

Your car will ship faster and arrive sooner if you deliver it to California (Longbeach or Oakland)as I have since learned all the cars come to Hawaii from CA. I delivered my car to Seattle, it sat on their dock for 4 days, put in a container on a Matson ship, shipped to Longbeach, sat there for a few days then shipped to Honolulu. Then it was removed from the container and sat on the Honolulu dock for a few days before coming to Hilo. I had to rent a car for three weeks, not one week like Carey did!! So look into the company she used for sure. My car's clearcoat was damaged because of the salt air exposure from sitting on these docks and my failure to immediately wash it when I picked it up! So wash your car when you get it. Maybe put a hard wax just before you move it, too.

Best of luck in your move. I promise you will never freeze to death here! Smile
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Moving from the midwest Wisconsin to puna - by nana valley - 09-22-2012, 07:00 AM
RE: Moving from the midwest Wisconsin to puna - by Guest - 09-22-2012, 08:48 AM

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