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Fight for Non-GMO Foods and Proper GMO Labeling
What's a personal attack? Saying something is the placebo effect?
If I tell someone that magic doesn't exist then I'm "attacking their personal belief system" ? So be it.

If cancer rates have escalated then why would it have anything to do with GM? Correlation is not causation.
Internet use has increased too, so by your logic that must cause cancer as well?

PS How is Ron Paul's election campaign going? Is there going to be another sign wave?
PPS Eaten a papaya lately?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Fight for Non-GMO Foods and Proper GMO Labeling - by PaulW - 09-23-2012, 07:13 PM
RE: Fight for Non-GMO Foods and Proper GMO Labeling - by dmbwest - 10-11-2012, 03:09 PM

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