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Fight for Non-GMO Foods and Proper GMO Labeling
"PaulW, do you work for or have family that works for Monsanto?" Bingo!!!

Honestly Yurtgirl and everyone who have tried, why waste your energy on a bully not interested in anything else but attention? Let him play in the sand box by himself.

Really, it doesn't cost more time nor more money to label. Simple change in the typesetting of the existing label. Why are ingredient lists mandatory? Even then, there are loopholes like "natural flavorings". Regulations need to be enacted at the State level, by its people, not Federally mandated by corporations and its lobbyists.

"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012

Messages In This Thread
RE: Fight for Non-GMO Foods and Proper GMO Labeling - by liskir - 10-04-2012, 07:49 AM
RE: Fight for Non-GMO Foods and Proper GMO Labeling - by dmbwest - 10-11-2012, 03:09 PM

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