10-04-2012, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by YurtGirl
Just because GMOs are touting that they are resistant against one thing, does not mean they are invincible, and the moment something comes along that a monocrop is defenseless against,
That was the point until you lost it. We are moving into an era when parasites, viruses, and bacteria are evolving faster than we, and our food crops, can naturally adapt to their attacks (more like host depletion). GMO or Genetically Modified Organism is initially being done because our pesticides are either rapidly ineffective or toxic to us as well the organisms they target. Gene modification allows more protection for the organism, hopefully without too many side effects. Your example ignores the fact as soon as a monocrop is defenseless, a new monocrop can be engineered and grown next season. While the parasites, viruses, and bacteria are still going through thousands of generations of evolution to naturally adapt to the next defense, GMO can be designing the next shield in the laboratory.
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*