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Fight for Non-GMO Foods and Proper GMO Labeling
"PaulW, it's VERY apparent that you are new to the subject"
Yurtgirl, I don't know where you get this idea that you know more about GM than me. Because I disagree with you?
You're the one who thinks it's done via radiation, you may want to read up on some of the basics.

Since nearly every papaya in Hawaii is GM and since GM is so bad for you, there must be many, many
people who have died from this terrible blight. Can someone provide me with a list of names? Even one?

If people really think Monsanto is an Evil Corporation hell bent on our destruction then why don't you
call the police, or your congress(wo)man, or Daniel Craig?

For the umpteenth time: no, I am not connected to Monsanto in any way. Please find a better argument.

Aren't you anti-GM people just a *little* worried that you find yourself on the same side of the fence as the people who put just as much passion into fighting airplane contrails and smart meters?


Messages In This Thread
RE: Fight for Non-GMO Foods and Proper GMO Labeling - by PaulW - 10-09-2012, 12:49 PM
RE: Fight for Non-GMO Foods and Proper GMO Labeling - by dmbwest - 10-11-2012, 03:09 PM

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