10-19-2012, 04:57 AM
I truly hope Samantha is able to find a place and quickly.
However, I am deeply troubled by info in the Lin's post.
Lin states that 81 animals will be put to sleep in the next 2 weeks if she does not find a home. If Samantha is such a caring compassionate animal lover (as one would be after caring for so many animals for nearly 20 years), why is she not working with the multiple other no kill animal shelters on island to find temporary fosters for the animals? Why has she not gone to the papers, even Honolulu TV and asked them to do an article on her plight in the hopes of finding a new home?
But I am also struck by the fact that this is the first time I am hearing of this shelter. Let me explain. I have participated in every pet oriented event on island for the past three years (Bark for Life, HIHS Pet Walk in HIlo and Kona, Howling Holidays, Horse Expo, UH Dog Wash, agility competitions,) you name it. I have never seen this group at any events promoting adoption of their pets.
I also write a pet blog that serves as a resource for all things pet related on the Big Island and state wide. I've actively sought out every animal group on island in order to promote them and their animals online. Multiple times a week I am promoting local pet shelters and various animals. I also check out Craigslist on a regular basis and repost lost dog/cat notices. Again, I've never seen a word about this group ANYWHERE.
Not to say that she isn't doing good work, but if you had so many adoptable animals wouldn't you be publicizing the fact like crazy in order to find them good homes?
Again, I hope she finds a new place, I'm just concerned about the animals and her threatening to kill them all. There are other alternatives.
However, I am deeply troubled by info in the Lin's post.
Lin states that 81 animals will be put to sleep in the next 2 weeks if she does not find a home. If Samantha is such a caring compassionate animal lover (as one would be after caring for so many animals for nearly 20 years), why is she not working with the multiple other no kill animal shelters on island to find temporary fosters for the animals? Why has she not gone to the papers, even Honolulu TV and asked them to do an article on her plight in the hopes of finding a new home?
But I am also struck by the fact that this is the first time I am hearing of this shelter. Let me explain. I have participated in every pet oriented event on island for the past three years (Bark for Life, HIHS Pet Walk in HIlo and Kona, Howling Holidays, Horse Expo, UH Dog Wash, agility competitions,) you name it. I have never seen this group at any events promoting adoption of their pets.
I also write a pet blog that serves as a resource for all things pet related on the Big Island and state wide. I've actively sought out every animal group on island in order to promote them and their animals online. Multiple times a week I am promoting local pet shelters and various animals. I also check out Craigslist on a regular basis and repost lost dog/cat notices. Again, I've never seen a word about this group ANYWHERE.
Not to say that she isn't doing good work, but if you had so many adoptable animals wouldn't you be publicizing the fact like crazy in order to find them good homes?
Again, I hope she finds a new place, I'm just concerned about the animals and her threatening to kill them all. There are other alternatives.