11-04-2012, 08:16 AM
quote:So, you were being sarcastic about the hunters' favorite claim, how it is their heritage rights?
Originally posted by Midnight Rambler
quote:That "whoosh" sound was sarcasm going over your head.
Originally posted by pahoated
That is not only a myth, it is a huge whopper of a lie.
The hunters say these large mammals are their "right" to kill. And the original idea for the larger wild pig, deer, mountain sheep and goat was for recreation. Everybody wants to turn Hawaii into their own personal recreation playpen, and make sure to demand it as a "right".
The problem is the recreational reduction is far too small to prevent explosive population growth. What is needed is a more efficient eradication method than currently used. Hunter hopper UAV's operated by multiple DLNR "pilots" in different locations could do multiple stealthy kills, automating the process, possibly keeping the carcasses at lower elevations for retrieval. It's not too far away, the Naval Undergraduate school has already prototyped it with a paint ball gun. Automation and efficiency will reduce the invasive species problem more quickly:
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*