11-13-2012, 06:14 AM
Originally posted by Rene Siracusa
The problem articulated here regarding the Bay Clinic board's abusive behavior toward their physicians and staff has been ongoing for years. Any employee, seeing board-generated policy problems that impact how care is administered is given the boot - or the board makes continuing to work there so untenable that staff have to make the tough decision to leave. I believe that thus far this year the Bay Clinic has lost 6 or 7 physicians...
So I don't think that writing the board a letter will change their minds. These people micro-manage where even managing is outside their levels of competence. Maybe you will get more traction if you address the letters to the State DOH or even the USDOH and insurers. They need to be audited, and not just a fiscal audit but a full programmatic audit that will see if the grant money is going where it is supposed to go. That should be a request included in any such letters. Unleash Marion Higa!...
Rene is right! Complaining to the board of directors would be a waste of breath. THEY ARE THE PROBLEM!
I don't know all the details (though please write me with any you do know) but I am researching them, and who exactly would be the right person, or organization, to present them to. This has to be stopped. There is one article from the trib regarding a nursing director at:
and one involving another at:
And I personally witnessed yet another firing of the last therapist, who was fired on the spot, given only hours to clean out her office, and had to enlist her patients who were scheduled to see her during that time to help her vacate the premises. All without cause. And, most likely because she was too intelligent, saw through their BS, and was in no way the kind of person to just shut up and let the BS continue.
These firings and forced quittings are shameful, and hurt the doctors as well as the patients, both in terms of quality of medical care, and financially, and must be understood by those that are in a position of power to do something about it.
I am coming to believe that in order for a complaint of this nature to have any teeth it must be directed to both the source of funding, the federal organization that sponsors the doctors, and as Rene has suggested our state's DOH and Auditor. I will be continuing my research and welcome any input as I do so. I will post here how and where I decide to express my concerns, and am considering just how to go about creating a petition to back it up.