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Kapoho Wai Opea tide pools Champagne pond sewage
I agree the missionaries brought the christian alphabet. Beckwith (sp?) also had to include the adam and eve story in her landmark Hawaiian Mythology - the prime star trek (and anthropologists) "prime directive" violated oh so often here on the isles.

Ponds: What I have seen the feds do in the past is offer a carrot - local resolution - everything flies as long as it is up to code when the review comes down.

and a stick - a big heavy aimless club - that broadly paints and beats every one into one level of compliance or be bulldozed over - sometimes literally.

The Feds love to manage an example out of a issue .... lots of media brownie points in cleaning up e.coli, as american as apple pie.............

all indications the carrot may be in play, and I have yet to find that spelling (edit) cheat sheet...........


Messages In This Thread
RE: Kapoho Wai Opea tide pools Champagne pond sewage - by Bullwinkle - 12-05-2012, 05:40 AM
RE: Kapoho Wai Opea tide pools Champagne pond sewage - by dmbwest - 12-06-2012, 02:18 PM

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