12-06-2012, 05:00 AM
Group Prods Dept. of Health to Act on Military Radiation at Pohakuloa
A group of 2 dozen Big island residents, many wearing Hazmat type suits, dramatically urged the State Health Department (DOH) to stop being bystanders and become pro-active advocates of public health over the issue of Military Depleted Uranium (DU) radiation contamination at the Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA). In a protest organized by Malu 'Aina at the Hilo DOH Environmental Health Office, citizens prodded the DOH to follow the Hawaii County Council's action call in Resolution 639-08 to stop all live-fire and other activities that create dust until there is a clean up of the uranium contamination at PTA. There were several signs with the well known radiation symbol. Other signs read “Test For Radiation; Why Uranium in Urine?; No More Radiation; Peace thru Poison?, Time to Aloha 'Aina; Time to Mother Earth; DU equals Dirty Bomb, Sacred Mountains under Siege.” There was even the appearance of a well known Hilo resident, playing the role of Governor Neil Abercrombie.
Jim Albertini, of Malu 'Aina said “DOH action is needed to investigate what's causing uranium showing up in Big island resident's urine. Is it uranium weapons that have been fired at PTA or something else? Three MDs and a Naturopathic doctor have patients who have tested high for uranium in urine, including levels exceeding three times the upper expected limit.” Albertini said, “it's likely that far more uranium weapons have been used at PTA than the 700 hundred or two thousand Davy Crockett DU spotting rounds from the 1960s. Comprehensive independent testing and monitoring is needed to determine the full extent of radiation contamination at PTA and other sites throughout Hawaii. The DOH should be offering free uranium urine tests for Big Island residents, especially people who work at PTA, or travel the Saddle Rd..”
On Wednesday, Dec. 12th, there is a meeting between the Army and the U.S. Nuclear regulatory Commission (NRC) in Maryland (why not Hawaii) to discuss a possible license for the Army to possess DU in Hawaii. The meeting is from 10AM till 1PM Hawaii time. Citizens can call in toll-free at (877) 521-2306, pass code 8766359. Public questions will be taken at the end of the meeting. The DOH should be speaking out for public health and safety concerns at that meeting.
Is Uranium in Your Body?
"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012
A group of 2 dozen Big island residents, many wearing Hazmat type suits, dramatically urged the State Health Department (DOH) to stop being bystanders and become pro-active advocates of public health over the issue of Military Depleted Uranium (DU) radiation contamination at the Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA). In a protest organized by Malu 'Aina at the Hilo DOH Environmental Health Office, citizens prodded the DOH to follow the Hawaii County Council's action call in Resolution 639-08 to stop all live-fire and other activities that create dust until there is a clean up of the uranium contamination at PTA. There were several signs with the well known radiation symbol. Other signs read “Test For Radiation; Why Uranium in Urine?; No More Radiation; Peace thru Poison?, Time to Aloha 'Aina; Time to Mother Earth; DU equals Dirty Bomb, Sacred Mountains under Siege.” There was even the appearance of a well known Hilo resident, playing the role of Governor Neil Abercrombie.
Jim Albertini, of Malu 'Aina said “DOH action is needed to investigate what's causing uranium showing up in Big island resident's urine. Is it uranium weapons that have been fired at PTA or something else? Three MDs and a Naturopathic doctor have patients who have tested high for uranium in urine, including levels exceeding three times the upper expected limit.” Albertini said, “it's likely that far more uranium weapons have been used at PTA than the 700 hundred or two thousand Davy Crockett DU spotting rounds from the 1960s. Comprehensive independent testing and monitoring is needed to determine the full extent of radiation contamination at PTA and other sites throughout Hawaii. The DOH should be offering free uranium urine tests for Big Island residents, especially people who work at PTA, or travel the Saddle Rd..”
On Wednesday, Dec. 12th, there is a meeting between the Army and the U.S. Nuclear regulatory Commission (NRC) in Maryland (why not Hawaii) to discuss a possible license for the Army to possess DU in Hawaii. The meeting is from 10AM till 1PM Hawaii time. Citizens can call in toll-free at (877) 521-2306, pass code 8766359. Public questions will be taken at the end of the meeting. The DOH should be speaking out for public health and safety concerns at that meeting.
Is Uranium in Your Body?
"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012
SECRET KNOWLEDGE - "NOT FOR US TO KNOW"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91qs9v-upWI