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So, your out in the yard working...

As kids we used to take a long piece of grass and make a loop at one end and use it as a stick/lasso.

Honestly, early morning or evening is the time to do it. For reptiles heat=energy so you have to get them before they warm up or after they cool off, they move slower. You have to block them in with something physical, so with anoles around here I'll get them in the early morning hanging on a sun facing screen as the sun comes up. Trap them between the corners of the frame and your hand.

Day geckos are party animals. They like sweet and I've noticed they like the sweet liqueurs. So they'll hang out around the neck of a bottle. My roommate has left shot glasses with schnapps in it (a drop or two left in the bottom) and found a gecko with the tail sticking out of the top licking the bottom.


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RE: So, your out in the yard working... - by dwedeking - 12-09-2012, 04:55 AM

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