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Permaculture Design Course Feb 9-24 at La'akea
$1200.00 USD to learn how to garden with common sense and compost, companion planting, and everything you can learn from the library/internet and some hands on real life application.
Although I am in complete agreement with most of what they propose....charging that kind of money to wannabe organic, self sustaining hopefuls seems contradictory to the whole life style.

Everybody has a right to waste their money where they want....

Anybody who wants heirloom seeds to start their garden (and be able to reuse the seeds from their harvest to start next years crop), just let me know.
I will share for free or trade.
Basic life skills,experience,and education should be shared ... not profited...leave that to organized religion.


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RE: Permaculture Design Course Feb 9-24 at La'akea - by riverwolf - 01-04-2013, 03:35 PM

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