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57% of Hawaiian Voters Support Marijuana Legalizat
vaporizers slow most folks I know try em for a while and move on not as handy as a spliff or the soon to be binaca. The better vaporizers 600 bucks (the 100$ iolite a nice unit - but wasteful.

it was fun in the sixties 70's now every one is doing it, strain elitism rampant and jones ing and acting stupid when they run out....

eagles had it right in hotel cali - the bit about dealing friends - its all just getting to weird for my taste - things turned ugly when folks started dealing - yup I'm old school out of step with the current crop of "heads"

"Its a hollow feeling when dealing friends" Eagles...... good words to live by on many levels ..... filters the real folks from the posers

edit - new keyboard on order - been using this one as food repository and the keys fighting back............

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RE: 57% of Hawaiian Voters Support Marijuana Legalizat - by Bullwinkle - 01-12-2013, 08:11 AM

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