01-16-2013, 03:21 PM
Dayna, Hope your tilapia is yummy-nummy.
We visited the Ponds Restaurant on SUnday & they had UH-H PACRC grown fresh sturgeon (3 preparation, Dh & I tried 2...o-la-l!
Have found out that UH-H Has done a lot of research on tilapia...Dr. Hopkins headed up the research (& LOVES to share) The Aquaculture club there did grow some & sell the fish at HIlo Farmers Market (fresh iced) a couple of years ago... Kevin has some contacts of aquaculture & aquaponic farms around (DH knows of one aquaponic farm on the list in N Kona that sells produce & fish...but I have not been there....some of his co-workers have smoked the fish... not sure that is what I would do with a great light fresh fish... but...)
He did tell me that the N. Kona one does offer tours, classes & setups & I am pretty sure you can contact Dr. Kevin Hopkins for a PACRC tour (esp. since you have a HS student that potentially could have interest...hint hint...)
There are also
We visited the Ponds Restaurant on SUnday & they had UH-H PACRC grown fresh sturgeon (3 preparation, Dh & I tried 2...o-la-l!
Have found out that UH-H Has done a lot of research on tilapia...Dr. Hopkins headed up the research (& LOVES to share) The Aquaculture club there did grow some & sell the fish at HIlo Farmers Market (fresh iced) a couple of years ago... Kevin has some contacts of aquaculture & aquaponic farms around (DH knows of one aquaponic farm on the list in N Kona that sells produce & fish...but I have not been there....some of his co-workers have smoked the fish... not sure that is what I would do with a great light fresh fish... but...)
He did tell me that the N. Kona one does offer tours, classes & setups & I am pretty sure you can contact Dr. Kevin Hopkins for a PACRC tour (esp. since you have a HS student that potentially could have interest...hint hint...)
There are also