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Coqui frogs went totally silent last night
Originally posted by ericlp

Dogs don't also like to bark much when it's cold. I don't think it's the entire story. Since it didn't rain and the wind has pretty much dried everything out, coqui's are conserving their energy and moisture levels by not chirping ...

That is called a WAT (Wild Ass Tangent). Dogs bark for all numbers of reasons, they are happy, they are sad, they are afraid, so on and so on. Also, Huskys tend to bark a lot in sub-zero temperature. Coqui frogs only croak for one thing (the main croak) and that is mating. The female coqui does not croak. She localizes to the loudest, and most resonant, croak, usually the one higher up. There are already studies that have been done that show the Hawaii coqui is getting much larger due to this natural selection plus lack of predators. In Puerto Rico, there are all kinds of snakes, birds, and large carnivorous insects that love to eat coqui. It has been three nights of 64 degrees at the shore altitude, and each night, the coqui have gone silent. Last night, it was 71 at 6pm and they tend to crescendo starting around 6:30. A few started up but then the temperature dropped to 64 fairly rapidly, before 8pm and it was silent. The lower temperature is going to be 64 for the next 3 days.

"It was a majority decision to descend into the Dark Ages. Don't worry, be happy, bang on da drum all day!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

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RE: Coqui frogs went totally silent last night - by pahoated - 01-22-2013, 06:02 AM

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