01-25-2013, 03:26 PM
I heard of a deputy who responded to several dog calls in a residential neighborhood where the same loose dog killed several restrained or fenced pet dogs over a couple of weeks. In one instance jumping/climbing a 4 " chain link fence to attack the dog inside. The deputy reluctantly capped the injured dog at the pleading of the owner as the dog had a broken neck and was paralyzed. The loose dog would flee whenever a human would approach within 20 yards or so. If human, the dog would have been considered a psycho serial killer. The deputy brought a scoped .22 rifle and late one night had an opportunity and took a shot with a CB-Long. It appears that a properly placed CB-Long is both quiet and effective.
That dog wasn't "dealt with at the time". Even if Animal Control had come out at 3AM they would never have caught that dog. The sad part is it was obviously a very smart dog, just homicidal (canineacidal? I like dogacidal better).
Big Islander to be.
That dog wasn't "dealt with at the time". Even if Animal Control had come out at 3AM they would never have caught that dog. The sad part is it was obviously a very smart dog, just homicidal (canineacidal? I like dogacidal better).
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.