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Kaiser Layoff's-47 Nurses Statewide
Originally posted by pahoated

Originally posted by afwjam
What if I don't want to be part of your system, are you going to force me?

Like you are trying to force me to make sense of your posts? What "my system"? All I am doing is reporting what the news reports. For some reason, this a big issue for the Tea-publicans. And is spearheaded by the serfs and peons the Tea-publicans use as their pawns. I remember when Japan started their socialized medicine system, and the right-wing was criticizing it for being just a pill pushing system, patients were just being given pills at random rather than getting better care. Oh really? Why then do they now have the longest life expectancy? Must be because they are getting worse care. Puh-leaze.

Not trying to be the bearer of just bad news. There is a medical revolution going on and just because right-wing America makes it illegal for all Americans doesn't mean it becomes illegal for the rest of the world. The Japanese recently took adult mouse skin cells and turned them into pluripotent stem cells. They then took one set of pluripotent stem cells and turned them into sperm. They took another set of stem cells and turned them into embryos. They then took the sperm and mated it with the embryo, resulting in a new mouse. It is not a clone but a unique combination of the original progenitor. There are other rapid advances being made, involving even more amazing technology, resembling the hospital repair beds in Star Trek.

The American medical system is broken but other nations are taking up where right-wing America is deciding to take the path back to a better time (in their minds), 1100 AD Europe. The advancements in Asian biological science spread rapidly -- in Asia. That is why Thailand is becoming a mecca for Americans that can afford it, the medical training is better, the medical technology is better, and it is affordable. It is also far more compassionate, not totally mercenary like America is becoming.
Seven reasons to seek medical care in Thailand
Thailand Profits From Health Care to Arab Patients

Wow, affordable, quality health care as an export product. Who woulda thunk it? Your precious Tea-publicans think a better future for America is a plutocracy, rule by the wealthy, protected by the weak and poor. Your choice, nobody is forcing you to do anything.

"It was a majority decision to descend into the Dark Ages. Don't worry, be happy, bang on da drum all day!"

ya know pohoated, your posts of the "Tea-publicans"(its their fault) rant is tiresome..give it a break bra...tha dems,repubs,teaparts, all tha same...let it go bra

Messages In This Thread
RE: Kaiser Layoff's-47 Nurses Statewide - by Guest - 02-01-2013, 02:06 PM
RE: Kaiser Layoff's-47 Nurses Statewide - by Guest - 02-01-2013, 03:57 PM
RE: Kaiser Layoff's-47 Nurses Statewide - by Frank - 02-01-2013, 04:40 PM

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