02-04-2013, 07:50 AM
You didn't say which particular invasive species you have on your lot. If they are albizia, they have already contributed more than enough nitrogen,so don't add more until you have a soil test done. If they are albizia, remove them before doing anything else, because even if they are small now, by next year they will be huge and creating too much shade for your fruit trees. Once they are big it will be hard to get rid of them without damaging the good stuff.
A lot of lava land is not solid lava, but has cracks and areas that are lava free. And if you can remove the albizia (if that's what you have)you can use those holes to plant in.
A lot of lava land is not solid lava, but has cracks and areas that are lava free. And if you can remove the albizia (if that's what you have)you can use those holes to plant in.